Things to consider in your search for somatic therapy in Minneapolis
Why is it important to find the right somatic therapist in Minneapolis?
Therapy is an extremely vulnerable process.
When you’re looking for a therapist who practices a specific type of therapy, like somatic therapy, you also want to find someone you click with. It takes a lot of trust to open up to someone you’ve never met before just because they have a few letters after their name. Starting therapy means investing emotional effort and energy. Plus, there’s a bunch of paperwork to deal with when starting therapy with someone new. This means knowing what you want and need, and how to figure out if a potential therapist matches those needs. If you’re searching for a somatic therapy practitioner in Minneapolis, you want to make their training and approach match what you’re looking for. For example, our somatic therapist Shannon Robinson incorporates Yogic and Ayurvedic philosophy into her work with clients.
There’s more to finding a somatic therapist than just looking at their training.
You’re seeking specialized somatic therapy. But, that doesn’t mean you should only focus on your therapist’s training or credentials. Actually, you might not vibe with someone who acts like they know everything. You want to feel like your therapist is real and relatable. Look for someone who seems authentic. Steer clear of therapists who just talk about their credentials. You want a positive connection with your therapist, an important ingredient for effective therapy. You won’t always be able to tell right away, of course, but trust your intuition. If you’re unsure, ask for a short phone call before booking an appointment. See what it’s like to talk to the therapist in real time. If you’re interested in somatic therapy with our Minneapolis provider, Shannon, you can contact us to request a short phone consultation with her.
Questions to ask a potential somatic therapy practitioner in Minneapolis
How do they explain the benefits of somatic therapy?
When talking to a potential therapist, make sure they can explain to you how they believe they can help you. Can they describe their approach or style clearly? Do they have a specific method you can Google later? Your therapist should describe why they think somatic therapy would help you. For example, your therapist can see when you get activated in a session. Then, they can move into somatic exercises. They can ask questions and help you notice what your body and emotions are telling you. They can give feedback in real-time. This can deepen your understanding of the link between the body and emotions, and help you better apply what you're learning in therapy.
What will their somatic therapy sessions look like for you?
It helps to know what to expect in session with a potential therapist before you meet with them. Do they have a set list of techniques or strategies they use with most people? Or, are they more flexible in personalizing their approach? We try our best to collaboratively develop a treatment plan with every somatic therapy client who visits our Minneapolis clinic. The focus might change week to week, depending on what you bring to session. Sometimes you might focus on moving your body and connecting these movements with your breath. Other times you might work on feeling safe just noticing what’s happening in your body by practicing grounding exercises together. Your therapist should adapt each session to your needs.
What’s the underlying philosophy behind their approach?
Somatic therapy helps you attune to your body and feel more grounded
Somatic therapy includes many different therapies that focus on the mind-body connection. Not all somatic therapists are alike! Our somatic therapy provider, Shannon Robinson, is a licensed therapist who offers in-person therapy at our Minneapolis office. She's also a registered yoga teacher and includes yogic philosophy in her sessions. Shannon believes this helps you understand the purpose of each somatic practice. This helps your somatic therapy experience feel more cohesive. Yogic philosophy also guides the personalization of somatic therapy. The decisions on which poses or practices to use are guided by a mix of philosophy and your individual needs.
Trying out somatic therapy in Minneapolis
You might feel hesitant about trying somatic therapy. What if you’re new to yoga? What if mindfulness is hard for you? What if you're bad at mindfulness? What if you struggle to tune into your body? It’s all okay. You don’t have to be good at any of that, because that’s what you’re here to practice.
Somatic therapy extends beyond the therapy room. It empowers you to use practices in your daily life. Together with your therapist, you’ll learn to notice and act on your body’s signals, and form a deeper connection with yourself.
You’re ready to explore something new and move beyond traditional therapy in Minneapolis. We’re excited to show you how yoga-based somatic therapy in Minneapolis can help you grow.