Therapy for Anxiety
Anxiety has taken over your life. At this point, you don’t even know what it would feel like if you weren’t anxious. It seems like it’s a part of who you are…but a really annoying, screwed up part. The anxiety is there the moment you wake up, if it even lets you fall asleep! Thinking about all of the things you need to do that day weighs so heavy on you, you can’t even get out of bed some days. Anxiety shows up at work, making you have crazy thoughts about your coworkers and supervisors judging you and worry about losing your job.
You know something needs to change, but you’re not sure what or how. Even if you did know, would you even be able to motivate yourself to take action? You can already see yourself spending this weekend the same way you spend every weekend, inside your house alone, watching Netflix and generally wasting your day. Is this it? Is this all there is to life? You see other people, family members, friends, who seem to have their lives together—those people seem like they’re able to have fun and enjoy life so easily. The more depressed you get, the less you want to be around them, afraid that they’ll get sick of being around you. Some days, you think about what it would be like if you never left your house again, if anyone would even care. It feels easier to push everyone away.
How much longer can you keep this up? Will it ever go away?
Depression can make life so miserable, and it truly does feel like nothing will ever change. Yet, we’re here to tell you that there is hope and things can change. You may have dealt with depression your whole life and wonder, how could things possibly get better now if they haven’t already? In therapy, we take a targeted approach to your depression and won’t give up, even when you do. Your depression makes it feel pointless because if things haven’t changed yet in life, why would they now? But we won’t fall for that trick. We can help you learn ways to change your mindset, behaviors, and day-to-day life in a way that supports building more positive moods, more fulfilling relationships, and can help you be content with your life. The depression itself might not go away forever, but with therapy, you can feel more confident in your ability to handle the symptoms and make sure they don’t get in the way of living your life. You can have more moments of happiness and learn how to hold onto these, even when depression rears its obnoxious head. When depression happens, you’ll know exactly what to do to give yourself the best shot at keeping it at bay.
If you’re ready to change the way you relate to your anxiety and finally get some relief, click the button below to contact us now and set up an intake appointment.