Counseling & Treatment for Depression in Minneapolis

Understanding the Daily Grind of Depression

Depression isn’t just about feeling sad all the time — it’s a profound alteration in how you see and experience everything in life. From the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep, life feels drained of meaning and joy. Time slips by as you watch from the sidelines, feeling disconnected and empty. On days you do manage to feel something, it comes with an intensity that leaves you overwhelmed and often in tears.

You know something needs to change, but you’re not sure what or how. Even if you did know, would you even be able to motivate yourself to take action? You can already see yourself spending this weekend the same way you spend every weekend, inside your house alone, watching Netflix and generally wasting your day. Is this it? Is this all there is to life? You see other people, family members, friends, who seem to have their lives together—those people seem like they’re able to have fun and enjoy life so easily. The more depressed you get, the less you want to be around them, afraid that they’ll get sick of being around you. Some days, you think about what it would be like if you never left your house again, if anyone would even care. It feels easier to push everyone away.

Sometimes you can pretend you’re OK for a little while, but what’s the point? The things that “should” make you happy instead leave you feeling guilty — it’s just another thing you’ve failed at, another thing that’s wrong with you. At The Growlery, we get how exhausting this can be. But here’s something we also know: you don’t have to fight these battles alone.

A Spark of Hope Against Depression

You’re here, reading what some random psychologist in Minneapolis has to say about depression, so I know you have a tiny spark of hope within you. I know you don’t want depression to run your life anymore. Not only is depression painful and isolating, but…It’s pretty boring to watch life from the sidelines, never feeling like you’re really participating or experiencing anything real.

We hear you. We see you. And we want you to know:

Therapy can help. Even if you’ve felt this way for as long as you can remember.

Depression makes life so miserable, and it truly does feel like nothing will ever change. Yet, we’re here to tell you that there is hope and things can change. You’ve dealt with depression your whole life, so how could things possibly get better now if they haven’t already? In therapy, we take a targeted approach to your depression and we won’t give up, even when you do.

Silhouette of a person standing alone in a vast landscape, depicting the isolation that often accompanies depression, that our treatment team addresses with our Minneapolis-based counseling for depression.

Change Your Narrative: Therapy for Depression

Your depression makes everything feel pointless because you can only see the negative outcomes, the failures, the dead ends. It tells you, if things haven’t changed yet, what makes you think they would now? But we won’t fall for that trick. Despite what depression tells you, it’s possible to shift the narrative. We’ll help you learn ways to change your mindset, behaviors, and day-to-day life in a way that supports long-term change in your mood. We’ll help you learn to build more positive emotional experiences, expand and enhance your relationships so they are more fulfilling, and find ways to be more content with life, even when things are stressful or unpleasant.

Our therapists don’t just sit back taking notes and nodding their head. We’re in the trenches with you, helping dismantle the patterns that depression thrives on. From your first session, you’ll learn actionable strategies that bring color back to your world…even if that first color is gray. Through a mix of therapy techniques attuned to how depression shows up for you, we’ll find what resonates, helping you build resilience and a toolkit that’s specific to you and your needs.

Long-term Management of Depression

No more going in circles. At our Minneapolis practice, we specialize in transforming the daily struggles into manageable challenges. We don’t promise a miracle cure because real life isn’t about quick fixes—it’s about learning to manage things while still growing and working toward fulfillment. Together, we’ll create a roadmap out of the fog. We’ll focus on small steps that lead to realistic, attainable changes over time, working slowly but persistently.

The depression itself might not go away forever, but with therapy, you can feel confident in your ability to handle the symptoms and stop them from getting in the way of actually living your life. You can have more moments of happiness and learn how to hold onto these, even when depression rears its obnoxious head. When depression happens, you’ll know exactly what to do to give yourself the best shot at keeping it at bay.

We don’t believe in “fixing” people, because we don’t think you’re broken. We believe that you are missing the tools and support you need to function in the world, and once you have them, you will feel okay just being you.

Ready to team up with us against your depression?

Located in South Minneapolis, we offer counseling tailored to both teens and adults dealing with depression. Take the first step today—fill out our contact form, and we’ll guide you through the next steps. Why wait? Don’t let depression run your life any longer.